Index of Sermons
(For the audio of these messages, just click on
the title)
Title: Can You Say He Is Risen
Text: Mt 28:1-8
Date: 4/5/09
Title: Jesus Has Need of Them
Text: Mt 21:1-11
Date: 3/29/09
Title: Jesus Begins To Define Adultery
Text: Mt 5:27-30
Date: 3/22/09
Title: Jesus Defines Murder
Text: Mt 5:21-26
Date: 3/15/09
Title: Do Not Think That I Have Come To Abolish the Law
Text: Mt 5:17-20
Date: 3/8/09
Title: You Are the Light of the World
Text: Mt 5:14-16
Date: 3/1/09
Title: You Are the Salt of the Earth
Text: Mt 5:13
Date: 2/22/09
Title: Blessed Are the Persecuted
Text:: Mt 5:10-12
Title: Blessed Are the Peacemakers
Text: Mt 5:9
Date: 2/8/09
Title: Blessed Are the Pure In Heart
Text: Mt 5:8
Date: 2/1/09
Title: Blessed Are the Merciful
Text: Mt 5:7
Date: 1/25/09
Title: God Will Not Be Mocked
Text: Gal 6:7
Date: 1/18/09
Title: Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst For Righteousness
Text: Mt 5:6
Date: 1/11/09
Title: Blessed Are the Meek
Text: Mt 5:5
Date: 1/4/09
Title: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Text: Mt 5:4
Date: 12/31/08
Title: A New Year's Resolution
Date: 12/28/08
Title: Blessed Are the Poor In Spirit
Text: Matthew 5:3
Date: 12/24/08
Title: I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry
Text: Luke 2:10
Date: 12/21/08 - Snowed out! No message this week
Date: 12/14/08
Title: And He Opened His Mouth
Text: Mt 5:2
Date: 12/7/08
Text: Mt. 5:1
Date: 11/30/08
Title: What Do You Seek
Text: John 1:35-40
Date: 11/27/08
Title: In Him All Things Hold Together
Text: Romans 1:18-23
Date: 11/23/08
Title: Long For the Pure Spiritual Milk
Text: 1 Peter 2:2,3
Date: 11/16/08
Title: Move On Up That Mountain
Text: Proverbs 4:18
Date: 11/9/08
Title: Dress the Garden
Text: Gen 2:7-9,15
Date: 11/2/08
Title: In the Last Days There Will Be Scoffers
Text: 2 Peter 3
Date: 10-26-08
Title: The Widow's Mite
Text: Mark 12:41-44
Date: 10/19/08
Title: Stop Being the Dummy
Text: Col. 3:1-11
Date: 10/5/08
Title: Live Large
Text: Proverbs 3:1-8
Date: 9/28/08
Title: Converting the Soul
Text: Psalm 19
Date: 9/21/08
Title: The Sanctuary
Text: Psalm 63:1,2
Date: 9/14/08
Title: Giving Life To Sin
Text: John 8:28-36
Date: 9/7/08
Title: Open Your Mouth Wide and I Will Fill It
Text: Psalm 81
Date: 8/31/08
Title: Train Up A Child
Text: DT 6:1-9
Date: 8/24/08
Title: Jesus and the Jacuzzi
Text: Jn 5:1-14
Date: 8/17/08
Title: CSI Heaven
Text: Mark 6:7-13
Date: 8/10/08
Title: Hold the Rope
Text: Mark 2:1-12
Date: 8/3/08
Title: Blunt Force Trauma To the Nose
Text: 1 Samuel 15: 11-23
Date: 7/27/08
Title: The God Wi Pe Yap Aws
Text: Psalm 115
Date: 7/20/08
Title: All In
Text: Judges 16:1-22
Date: 7/13/08
Title: Enter By the Narrow Gate
Text: Mt 7:12-14
Date: 7/6/08
Title: Understand the Signs
Text: Mt 16:1-4
Date: 6/29/08
Title: The Ten Commandments
Text: Exodus 20:1-17
Date: 6/22/08
Title: Advantage, Christian
Text: Romans 3:1,2
Date: 6/8/08
Title: Convenience Store Christianity
Text: Micah 7:18-20
Date: 6/1/08
Title: Salt Is For S(h)akers
Text: Lk 14:25-35
Date: 5/25/08
Title: Delighting God
Text: Jeremiah 9
Date: 5/18/08
Title: Keep the Seed In Your Soul
Text: Ezek 18:30-32, 1 Jn 3:1-10, Jn 15:12-17
Date: 5/11/08
Title: Handmaidens of the Lord
Text: Various
Title: Gush With the Holy Spirit
Text: Luke 11:5-13
Date: 4:27/08
Title: God's Tapestry
Text: Jeremaih 29:11-14
Title: Sanctify Them By Your Truth
Text: Jn 17:9-17
Date: 4/13/08
Title: God's Not Afraid of Your Honesty
Text: Lam 3:18-26, Heb 4:16, Jn 17:1
Date: 4/6/08
Title: I Will Seek What Was Lost
Text: Ezek 34:11-16, 1 Pet 5:1-4, Jn 21:15-25
Date: 3/30/08
Title: Remind Me To Not Get Distracted
Text: John 21:1-14
Date: 3/23/08
Title: This Ain't Slumberland
Text: 1 Cor 15:12-22
Date: 3/16/08
Title: God's Advance Provision
Text: Jn 12:1-16
Title: Beware the Love Boat
Text: John 4:4-42
Date: 3/2/08
Title: Yearning For the House of God
Text: Psalm 84
Date: 2/24/08
Title: We Are That Woman
Text: Luke 7:36-50
Date: 2/17/08 - Due to treacherous road conditions worship services were cancelled. We'll be back next week.
Date: 2/10/08
Title: Fasting: The Spiritual Snooze Alarm
Text: 1 Peter 4:1-6
Date: 2/3/08
Title: The Two Shall Become One
Text: Eph 5:22-33
Date: 1/27/08
Title: Die To Self
Text: Jn 12:20-43
Date: 1/20/08
Title: You Are God's Masterpiece
Text: Jeremiah 1:5
Date: 1/13/08
Title: Humble Yourself Under the Mighty Hand of God
Text: John 7:14-18
Date: 1/6/08
Title: A Church In Crisis
Text: Acts 4:23-31
Date: 12/30/07
Title: Simeon's Bucket List
Text: Luke 2:25-32
Date: 7/29/07
Text: Romans 8:12-17
Some Teachings From This Message:
1. Your flesh won't be able to testify for you on Judgement Day.
2. God expects fruit from His grace
3. 3 B's of salvation
a. Baptized
b. Believe
c. Bear fruit
4. The Word is connected to all three
5. The gentle leading of the Spirit
6. Strength and Courage needed to be led.
Date: 7/22/07
Text: Romans 6:15-23
Some Teachings from this message:
1. Don't play with sin.
2. The power of addiction
3. Two possible masters:
a. Disobedience - to death
b. Obedience - to life
4. God be thanked! It is His doing that we are free
5. Present yourself to God daily
6. The difference between worldly sorrow and godly sorrow
7. Feed the new man...not the old.
Date: 7/8/07
Text: Gen. 19:15-26, Lk 5:4-6
Some Teachings from this message:
1.Lingering = "Did God really say?"
2. Lingering is a matter of eternal life and death
3. The Lord's mercy overpowers our lingering
4. The connection between forsaking all and salt.
5. Overcoming reluctancy: "Nevertheless at Thy Word."
Text: Gen 18:20-33
Some teachings From this message:
1. God makes the first move toward us seeking friendship
2. He comes to us through His Word and the Sacraments
3. Our part is to trust Him and His Word
4. To "keep" God's commands is to "treasure" them.
5. The other sins of Sodom
6. The supernatural revelation of the fear and love of God.
Date: 6/24/07
Text: Luke 6:36-42
Some teachings from this message:
1. You are of great value to God!
2.God is greater than earthgoogle
3.The most monumental leap we take toward freedom is the leap to our knees in surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
4.Jesus seeks by mingling
5.We are His back-up plan.
Date: 6/3/07
Text: Num. 6:22-27, Rom. 11:33-36, Jn 3:1-15
Some teachings from this message:
1.The necessity of belief in the Triune God
2. Some of the churches that don't believe in the Triune God
3. Some passages that speak of a Triune deity
4. The link between the benediction and the Trinity
Date: 5/27/07
Text: Acts 2:14-40
Some Teachings From this message
1.Pentecost was the beginning of Christ pouring out all the blessings He won for His church on Calvary
2. These blessings are given to us in baptism.
3. The sins of the 21st century church of America
4. The hope of repentance
Date: 5/20/07
Text: Is 64:1-4, 1 Pet. 4:7-11, Jn 15:26-16:4
Some Teachings From This Message:
1.Affluenza keeps us from longing for Christ's return
2. Who are the 144,000?
3. A test to see if you are ready for Christ's return
4. What does it mean to be "serious and watchful?"
5. The necessity of fervent love for one another.
Date: 5/13/07
Text: Is. 54:7-10, James 1:22-27, John 16:23-28
Some Teachings From This Message:
1. God is faithful to His covenant of peace...Baptism
2. To hear and not do His Word is to cheat ourselves
3. The Bible is a mirror that helps us see our true spiritual condition
4. To not take corrective action makes us spiritual slobs
5. Sometimes we don't like what we see, but it is foolish to not take corrective action.
6. What is meant by "pure and undefiled religion"
7. Whatever you ask the Father in the name of Jesus He will give you.
a. In context, the word "give" simply means "show."
b. To ask in the name of Jesus is to ask with the idea of being committed to do what God shows you in order to bring glory to Him. .
Date: 5/6/07
Text: Is 5:1-7, James 1:17-21, John 16:5-15
Some teachings From This Message:
1. The purpose of confirmation
2. The importance of regular participation in the Lord's Supper
3. The purpose of firstfruits.
Date: 4/29/07
Text: Is 61:10,11, 1 Peter 2:11-20, John 16:16-22
Some Teachings from this message:
1.We are only here a "little while"
2. The connection between Is 61:10,11 and our baptism.
3. We are "signs" to unbelievers
4. Our lifestyle prepares unbelievers for their day of visitation (it helps or hinders)
5. Therefore flee from fleshly lusts!
6. A list of fleshly lusts and their definitions.
Date: 4/22/07
Text: Ez. 34:11-16, 1 Pe 2:21-25. Jn 10:11-16
Some Teachings From this message:
1. The Good Shepherd is the God Shepherd
2. The sheep that were scattered at the Tower of Babel began to be regathered in earnest on the Day of Pentecost
3. The Good Shepherd is in the process of walkiing His sheep to the good fold (heaven)
4. The journey is marked by suffering.
5. The valley of the shadow of death speaks of the suddeness of death.
6. Hirelings are false teachers who deny the inerrancy of Scripture and they say "Peace" Peace" for the journey
Date: 4/15/07
Text: Gen 32:22-32
Some teachings from this message:
1.Prayer is about God doing business with you
2. We have a tendency to throw up hurried prayers and then provide our own solutions.
3. Will Jesus find prevailing prayer whren He returns?
4. The devil will try to stop you from praying.
5.When he does, cry out the more you are getting close!
6. Persistent praying causes God to stand still and take notice.
7. Sometimes God allows us pain in order to test our commitment to prayer.
8. “It is God’s good pleasure to be vanquished by the stranglehold of faith
9. What did Jesus mean when He said, And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”
10. Sometimes the greatest blessing of prevailing prayer is learning who we are and who God really is.
Date: 4/8/07
Text: Is 53:8-12, 1 Cor 5:7,8, Mk 16:1-7
Some Teachings From This Message:
1. His crucifixion between two criminals and His burial in a rich man's tomb, identifies Him with all humanity.
2. Spoil equals plunder. With His resurrection, Jesus plundered death and the grave.
Date: 4/6/07
Text: Luke 14:16-35
Some Teachings From This Message:
1. Belief in the existence of God isn't good enough to get you to heaven
2. Jesus must be first in our lives
3.The connection between being salt and making Jesus number one
Date: 4/5/07
Text: Mt 26:36-45
Some Teachings From This Message:
1. Jesus felt despair to the point of wanting to die
2. Observe how He handled such despair
3. Be persistent in prayer
Date: 04/01/07
Text: Zech 9:9,10, Phil 2:5-11, Mt 21:1-9
Some teachings from this message:
1. Humans were meant to be servants
2. What will be the sign of the Son of Man returning?
3. We are living in the tribulation.
Date: 3/25/07
Text: Luke 1:26-38
Some teachings From This Message:
1. Disobedience to God's law and not trusting God's Word are both sins.
2. Motherhood is an honor and a privilege
3. What does it mean that a "woman is saved in childbearing?"
4. The biblical proof that life begins at conception
Date: 3/18/07
Text: John 6:1-13
Some Teachings From This message:
1. It’s alright to clamor after Jesus
2. The promise to deliver is the promise to get you through
3. Teach, heal, and fellowship
4. Jesus tests us in areas in which we need to grow.
5. Believe in the capabilities of Jesus
6. Bring it Jesus, allow Him to touch it, and then bless others with it.
Date: 3/11/07
Text: Gen 22:1-18, Eph 5:1-10, Luke 11:14-28
Some Teachings from this message:
1.Christians will be tested
2.God allows testings so WE can see what we are made of.
3. He who is in you from your baptism is greater than he who is in the world.
4. God promises to never give you more than you can handle
5. God's way out of trial is to endure.
6. Failures are our fault, not God's
7. How to handle our failures
8.The secret to building endurance is pliability (Here I am Lord!)
Date: 3/4/07
Text: Ex 14:13-31, 1 Thess 4:1-7, Mt 15:21-28
Some teachings from this message:
1. God's purpose for our lives is to trust Him fully.
2. Baptism and the crossing of the Red Sea
3.God judges sexual impurity
4. Believers should marry believers
5. Marriage is to be treasured
6. The marriage bed is to be undefiled before and after the wedding.
Date: 2/25/07
Text: Jer 2:13, 2 Cor. 6:1-10, Mt 4:1-11
Some teachings from this message:
1. The doctrines of men have entered the church
2. Doctrines should be held alongside the Word of God to see if they hold water.
3. If your shepherd does not adhere to the inerrancy of Scripture....Find a new one!
4. Expediency: A tool of the devil
5. The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity
6. Baptism: Turning a cesspool into living water
Date: 2/18/07
Text: Jer 8:18-22, 1 Pet 3:18-22, Mt 3:13-17
Some teachings from this message:
1. The blessing of remembering what God did for you at your baptism.
2. God is just. Little children need to have their sin problem taken care of
3. The early church included the necessity of baptism in it's presentation of the Good News
4. The necessity of bapism and faith for salvation
5. Infants and children can have faith.
Date: 2/11/07
Text: Is 25:1-9, 2 Cor 12:1-10, Luke 8:4-15
Some Teachings From This Message:
1. God's strength is a consistent theme of Scripture
2. It's consistent because we need to be reminded of it
3. The strongest created force is our free will
4. It's an amazing testimony of God's might when He overcomes our free will.
5. The necessity of examining the condition of the seed that you have received.
Date: 2/4/07
Text: Dan 5:17-30, 1 Cor 9:24-27, Mt 20:1-16
Some Teachings From this Message:
1. Respect all governmental authority they have been placed there by God
2. Do not profane the Lord's Supper
3. The first workers in the parable are like those who work in the church expecting a reward from God. (works righteousness) In the end, they will be condemned.
4. The other workers simply trusted the steward (Jesus) for their salvation. His only promise for their trust was that He would give them "whatever is right."
Date: 1/28/07
Text: Is. 51:1-11, Rom. 13:8-10, Mt 8:23-27
Some Teaching From This Message:
1. We will have trials and fears as we are in the process of crossing over to the other side.
2. Fear and faith go hand in hand
3. The Holy Spirit helps us overcome our fear and trust God
4. More love expressed in our lives....less room for fear
5. Enduring trials strengthens our faith.
Date: 1/21/07
Text: Num 24:10-17, Rom 12:17-21, Mt 8:1-13
Some teachings from this message:
1. The personal involvment of God in the creation of souls
2. Balak a type of Satan who tempts us to go beyond the word of the Lord
3. Birth control is a "new" idea to the church
4. The church needs to believe ALL of God's promises. John 3:16 is just as valid as Ps 127:3....children are a reward!
5. Proof positive that eternal souls are created at conception
Date: 1/14/07
Text: Is. 8:20-22, Rom 12:6-16, Jn 2:1-11
Some Teaching From This Message
1. The first prayer to Jesus in the New Testament
2. Prayer is telling Jesus what we lack
3. Trusting and obeying always brings glory to God
Date: 01/07/07
Text: Dt 6:1-9, Rom 12:1-5, Luke 2:41-52
Some teachings from this message:
1. The purpose of Luther's catechism
2. Children should know the catechism before confirmation
3. The importance of teaching children the Law
4. The real reason behind the removal of the ten commandments from the public square
6. The significance of binding God's Word to your hands, eyes, doorposts, and gates.
Date: 12/31/06
Text: Is 63:7-14, Gal 4:1-7, Luke 2:33-40
Some teachings from this message:
1. God loves His children
2. God's people should be fasting and praying for God to show up.
3. Why Jesus was circumcised and baptized.
4. Simeon and Anna gave the required testimony of two witnesses agreeing that Jesus was the Lord's Christ.
Date 12/24/06 Christmas Eve
Text: Mt 2:1-111
Some Teachings From This Message
1. When was Jesus Born?
2. When did the wise men come to Bethlehem?
3. The omniscience and omnipotence of God
Date: 12/24/06
Text: Is 2:1-4, Phil. 4:4-7, John 1:19-28
Some Teachings from this message:
1. The radical aspect of John's Baptism
2. The Holy Spirit points people to Jesus
3. Jesus is the Prophet
4. The large-hearted are those who give and forgive
Date: 12/17/06
Text: Is. 40:1-11, 1 Cor 4:1-5, Mt. 11:2-10
Some teachings from the sermon.
1. Preachers are not to be influenced by popular opinion, or wealth, or power.
2. Isaiah 40 to the end of the book is a great place to find comfort!
3. The true church of Jesus Christ is found in the wilderness because the wilderness represents utter reliance upon God for spiritual survival.
4. We are prepared to receive Jesus when we realize that without Him, we are like grass.
Date: 12/10/06
Text: Mal 4:1-6, Rom. 15:4-9. Luke 21:25-36
Some Teachings From the Sermon
1. The time frame of future events
2. Another view of the Lord's Prayer
3. The importance of watching and tending our faith
4. Eternal comfort and joy awaits those who finish the race
5. The importance of getting into God's Word and sharing what He teaches you with others.
Date: 12/3/06
Text: Isa. 61:1-7, Rom 13:11-14, Mt 21:1-11
Some Teachings From the Sermon:
1. What is meant by "the acceptable year of the Lord?
2. The second advent of Jesus will be Judgement Day
3. Looking forward to His second coming is the secret to a joyous holiday season
4. Our gay apparel is the robe of righteousness given to us at our baptism, and maintained by daily washing ( Confession, repentance, and forgiveness)
Date: 11/26/06
Text: Isa 51:9-16, 2 Cor. 5:1-10. Luke 20:27-40
Some Teachings From This Sermon:
1. The Christian hope IS a bodily resurrection unto eternal life.
2. No marriages in heaven
3. The two Judgements
a. God's secret judgement
b. The public Judgement on the Last Day
Date: 11/23/06
Text: 1 Tim. 4:3-5
Some teachings In the Sermon:
1. A thankless people become a godless people
2. Thankful people remember how much they have been given
3. Make and keep lists of things you are thankful for.
Date: 11/19/06
Text: Isa. 32:1-8, Rom. 13:1-7, Mt 17:24-27
Some teachings in this sermon
1. The Gospel is offensive to many
2. The Gospel is the only thing that should be offensive about a Christian
3. Daily revisit your baptism (Take a spiritual shower of forgiveness and begin each day a new creature in Christ)
4. A voluntary temple tax (for worship enhancement) is a good idea
5. Pay taxes if for no other reason than not being offensive to others.
Date: 11/12/06
Text: Dt 7:9-11, 2 Tim 2:19-21, Mark 4:21-25
Some teachings in this sermon:
1. Not all who are members of a congregation are beleivers.
2. There is a spiritual law of energy, that says saving faith produces works
3. There are different degrees of hearing the Word of God, but only one results in eternal life.
Date: 11/5/06
Text: Hosea 13:14, Col 1:24-2:3, Luke 18:1-8
Some teachings in the sermon:
1. The necessity of baptism and faith for salvation
2. Longing for Christ's return is evidence of the indwelling Holy Spirit
Texts: Isa 65:1,2, Heb 10:19-31, Mt 21:33-44
Some Teachings in the sermon:
God's judgement against the Gentiles.
His plan to call them back.
Abraham's faith in the Seed
Jew and Gentile must have the faith of Abraham.
Marriage to unbelievers an abomination to God
Remember your baptism when struggling with guilt.
We must connect with each other more than once a week at church
Eagerly look forward to the weekly assembly.
Date: 10/22/06
Subject:: Formed by God to serve Him
Text: Is 44:21-23, Col. 3:1-11, Luke 13:10-17
Date: 10/15/06
Subject: The seriousness of the sin of coveting and it's link to a lack of tithing.
Text: Dt 10:12-22, 1 Jn 2:7-17, Mk 10:17-27
Date: 10/08/06
Subject: Trusting Christ Alone For Justification and Sanctification
Text: 1 Sam 2:1-10, Gal. 5:1-14, Mt 18:1-7
Date: 10/01/06
Subject: The Right To Life and the Sovreignty of God
Text: Deut. 32:39,40, Phil 1:19-26, John 11:30-45
Subject: Learning to love others more than ourselves
Text: Dt. 6:4-9, 1 Cor 7:29-31, Mt 6:19-23
Date: 9/17/06
Subject: The Danger of doing church without Jesus
Text: Jer. 17:13,14, Rev. 3:1-6, Luke 4:23-30
Date: 9/10/06
Subject: What Love Isn't and What Love Is
Text: Lev 18:1-5, 1 Cor 13, Jn 13:31-35
Date: 9/3/06
Subject: The Importance of Prayer and Evengelism
Text: Mt 9:35-38
Title: Pray the Lord of the Harvest
Date: 8/20/06
Subject: You Can Lose Your Salvation!
Text: Jer 7:1-7, Heb 3:12-4:1, John 6:66-71
Date: 8/13/06
Subject: You cannot serve God and materialism
Text: 1 Chro 29:10-13, 2 Thes 3:6-13, Lk 16:10-17
Date: 8/6/06
Subject: The importance of discerning true biblical teaching from false biblical teaching
Text: Jer. 15:19-21, 1 Jn 4:1-6, Mk 7:5-16
Date: 7/30/06
Subject: Christianity Must Not Become A Mutual Admiration Society
Text: Luke 14:12-15
Date: 7/23/06
Subject: Jesus defines Adultery
Text: Mt 5:27-37
Date: 7/16/06
Subject: The Keys of the Kingdom (Believe and be baptized)
Text: Jeremiah 16:14-21, Mt 16:13-20
Date: 7/9/06
Subject: What does it really mean to "Judge Not?"
Text: Matthew 7:1-6
Date: 7/2/06
Subject: God does not wish for anyone to perish
Text: Matthew 9:13
Date: 6/25/06
Subject: False Teachers and How To Spot Them
Text: Romans 16:17-27
Date: 6/18/06
Subject: The members of the church at Rome
Text: Romans 16:1-16
Date: 6/11/06
Subject: The Role of Women in the Church
Text: Romans 16:1,2
Date: 6/4/06
Subject: Baptism and Pentecost
Text: John 14:18
Date: 5/28/06
Subject: Giving out of your surplus
Text: Romans: 15:25-33
Date: 5/21/06
Subject: Women Keeping Silent In Church
Text: 1 Cor. 14:26-35, 1 Tim. 2:8-14
Date: 5/14/06
Subject: God's Model for the Family
Text: Psalm 128
Date: 5/7/06
Subject: Taking the Word of God Personally
Text: Romans 15:19-22
Date: 4/30/06
Subject: The Importance of Reminding each other about our salvation and sanctification through the Words of Scripture.
Text: Romans 15:15-19
Date: 4/23/06
Subject: The Importance of Goodness, Knowledge, and Admonishment in a Church.
Text: Romans 15:14
Date: 4/16/06
Subject: The Realities of the Grave for the Unbeliever
Text: Psalm 49
Date: 4/14/06
Subject: What Will You Do With the King of the Jews?
Text: John 19:17-22
Date: 4/13/06
Subject: The Mandate To Watch and Pray
Text: Luke22:39-46
Date: 4/9/06
Subject: The connection between faith and "response ability"
Text: Romans 15:8-13
Date: 4/2/06
Subject: God uses His Word to patiently grow His children
Text: Romans 15:1-7
Date: 3/26/06
Subject: Getting Re-focused on the Grace of God
Text: Romans 15:1
Date: 3/19/06
Subject: When in doubt about non-essentials....don't
Text: Romans 14:20-23
Date: 3/12/06
Subject: The importance of yielding in the areas of non-essentials
Text: Romans 14:13-19
Date: 3/5/06
Subject: Learning to give an account for the purpose of evangelizing
Text: Romans 14:10-12
Date: 2/26/06
Subject: Don't be judgmental on non essential matters of the faith
Text: Romans 14:1-9
Date: 2/19/06
Subject: Beware of Spiritual Slumber
Text: Romans 13:11-14
Date: 2/12/06
Subject: Owe Nothing But Love
Text: Romans 13:8-10
Date 2/5/06
Subject: The Christian's responsibility toward secular government.
Text: Romans 13:1-7
Date: 1/29/06
Subject: Loving Your Enemies
Text: Romans 12:18-21
Date: 1/22/06
Subject: Right to Life
Text: Various Scripture references
Date 1/15/06
Subject: Let God repay, our responsibility is to creatively bless our enemies.
Text: Romans 12:17
Date: 1/8/06
Subject: The Importance of Small Groups For Building Community
Text: Romans 12:15,16
Date 1/1/06
Subject: The importance of speaking well of your enemies, doing good for them, and praying for them.
Text: Romans 12:14
Date: 12/18/05
Subject: The Details and Definitions of Romans 12:10-13
Text: Romans 12:10-13
Date: 12/11/05
Subject: The meaning of love without hypocrisy, abhorrence of evil, and clinging to what is good.
Text: Romans 12:9
Date: 12/04/05
Subject: Definition of the Spiritual Gifts Listed in Romans.
Text: Romans 12:6-8
Date: 11/27/05
Subject: The Secret of Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
Text: Romans 12:3-5
Date 11/20/05
Subject: Don't Be Conformed To the World!
Text: Romans 12:1,2
Title: Transformed Not Conformed
Subject: God's Reasonable Request of Daily Committment To Him
Date: 11/06/05
Text: Romans 12:1
Subject: The ongoing salvation of the Jews
Text: Romans 11:25-36
Date: 10/30/05
Subject: Confirmation Sunday
Text: 1 Peter 5: 5-11
Date: 10/23/05
Subject: God is able to graft anyone into the tree of life and He is able to cut off any barren branches.
Text: Romans 11:11-24
Date: 10/16/05
Subject: The Dangers of Man-made Rules and Rituals
Text: Romans: 11:1-10
Date: 10/9/05
Subject: Lessons from God's rejection of the Jews
Text: Romans 10:18-21
Subject: The Importance of Proclaiming the Word
Text: Romans 10:14-17
Date: 9/25/05
Subject: Salvation By Christ Alone
Text: Romans 10:4-13
Date: 9/18/05
Subject: Sincerity and Zeal Can Be Misguided
Text: Romans 10:1-3
Date: 9/11/05
Subject: Suffering For the Sake of Mercy
Text: Romans 9:22-33
Date: 9/4/05
Subject: He is the Potter, We Are the Clay
Text: Romans 9:18-21
Date: 8/28/05
Subject: Always Keeping God's Mercy in Sight
Text: Romans 9:14-18
Date: 8/21/05
Subject: God gets all the Glory!
Text: Romans 9:9-13
Date: 8/14/05
Subject: The Danger of Rejecting God's Grace
Text: Romans 9:1-9
Date: 8/7/05
Subject: A Heart For the Lost
Text: Romans 9:1-3
Date 7/31/05
Subject: The Inseparable Love of Christ
Text: Romans 8:35-39
Date 7/24/05
Subject: Predestination
Text: Romans 8:28-34
Date: 7/17/05
Subject: Praying Under Duress
Text: Romans: 8:26-28
Date: 7/10/05
Subject: The blessed hope of the resurrection
Text: Romans: 8:17-26
Date: 7/03/05
Subject: Set Free From Fear
Text: Romans 8:8-17
Date: 6/19/05
Subject: Confession, Repentance, and Receiving Forgiveness
Text: Romans 8:9
Date 6/12/05
Subject: What it means to walk in the Spirit
Text: Romans 8:1-8
Date: 6/5/05
Subject: The Good That I Want To Do I Do Not Do.
Text: Romans 7:14-25
Date: 5/29/05
Subject: Falling Short of God's Glory
Text: Romans 7:7-13
Date: 5/22/05
Subject::The Necessity of Marrying Christ
Text: Romans 7:1-6
Subject: Divorce and Remarriage
Text: Romans 7:1-3
Date: 5/8/05
Subject: Mother's Day
Text: Genesis 2:18-23
Date: 4/24/05
Subject: Dying To Self
Text: Romans: 6:15-23
Date: 4/17/05
Subject: God's grace does not give us license to sin
Text: Romans 6:1-14
Date: 4/10/05
Subject: Grace is Greater Than All Sin
Text: Romans 5:15-21
Date: 4/3/05
Subject: We Need To Admit That We Are Under God's Judgement
Text: Leviticus 26:14-46
Date: 3/27/05
Subject: The Prophecy of Isaiah and the Passion of Christ
Text: Isaiah 53:8-12
Date: 3/20/05
Subject: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Text: John 12:1-16
Date: 3/13/05
Subject:: God's Promised Blessings In Leviticus 26
Text: Lev. 26:3-13
Date: 3/6/05
Subject: Idolatry/addiction, Remembering the Sabbath, and honoring God's Holy Tent
Text: Lev. 26:1,2
Date: 02/27/05
Subject: Biblical "Types"
Text: Romans 5:14
Date: 02/20/05
Subject: Walking in the Spirit
Text: Romans 5:12-14
Date: 02/13/05
Subjects: The Right To Life, And Infant Baptism
Text: Romans 5:12
Date: 02/06/05
Subject: The Act of Reconciliation
Text: Romans: 5:9-11
Date: 01/30/05
Subject: God's Demonstration of Love
Text: Romans 5:6-8
Date: 01/23/05
Subject: Being Ashamed of God
Text: Romans 5:5
Date 01/16/05
Subject: The Right to Life
Text: Psalm 139:13-16
Date: 01/09/05
Subject: Debt and Tithing
Text: Isaiah 5:8-10
Date: 01/02/05
Subject: Some of the Effects of Faith
Text: Romans 5:1-4
Date 12/31/04
Subject: Heavenly Rewards
Text: Luke 12:20,21
Date: 12/26/04
Subject: Putting Faith Into Action
Text: Romans: 4:18-25
Date: 12/24/04
Subject: The Stars and the Birth of Christ
Text: Matt. 2: 1-11
Date: 12/19/04
Subject: God Asks Us, What We Intend To Do With His Word
Text: Rom. 4:14-17
Date: 12/12/04
Subject: Believing God For Righteousness
Text: Rom. 4:4-13
Date: 12/05/04
Subject: Saving Faith
Text: Rom. 3:28-4:3
Date: 11/28/04
Subject: God's Mercy
Text: Romans 3:25-28
Date: 11/25/04
Subject: Thanksgiving
Text: Job 1
Date: 11/21/04
Subject: How To Receive Salvation
Text: Romans 3:19-24
Date 11/14/04
Subject: The Fear of God
Text: Romans 3:9-18
Date: 10/31/04
Subject: The Necessity of Voting Pro-Life
Text: Ps. 28:5
Date: 10/24/04
Subject: Cheap Grace
Text: Romans 3:3-8
Date: 10/17/04
Subject: The Faithfulness of God
Text: Romans 3:1,2
Date: 10/10/04
Subject: Advantages of the Word of God
Text: Romans 3:1,2
Date: 10/03/04
Subject: The Connection Between Circumcision and Baptism
Text: Romans 2:25-29
Date: 9/26/04
Subject: Hypocrisy
Text: Romans 2:17-24
Date: 9/19/04
Subject: God's Law Written On Our Hearts
Text: Romans 2:12-16
Date: 9/12/04
Subject: Some Contrasts Between Heaven & Hell
Text: Romans 2:7-11
Date: 9/5/04
Subject: The Role of Deeds
Text: Romans 2:6
Date: 8/29/04
Subject: The Wrath of God
Text: Romans 2:1-5