Today: Adult education hour immediately after church
Monday: Man Up Bible Study (For young men 18-30) 7 p.m. at the church. Frances Schaeffer series "How Should We Then Live"
Wed: Confirmation class at the Matz's at 4:30
Set up schedule: April 19th - The Matz's
April 26th - The Rieth's
May 3rd - The Fay's
There is a bin in the narthex to collect items for the International Children's Fund Ministry hreadquartered in Neenah. Please read the list of acceptable items in the box.
There is also a bin for food items, which are delivered to the food pantry at Trinity Lutheran Church in Menasha.
Living Word Lutheran Church Mailing address: 1412 Geneva Rd Menasha, WI 54952 Tel: (920) 585-2474
© Living Word Lutheran Church 2002
All Rights Reserved